Thank YOU guys again for all of YOUR help – we wouldn’t have been able to get it done without you; and we really appreciate you going above and beyond for us.
— Moto

Ways suppliers are using video to meet goals

Not sure where to start? Have some ideas, but need an expert to help vet them? 
Contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

How suppliers use video to enhance brand image

Enhance your
brand image

Your audience is looking for a supplier they can trust. Communicate your brand values and key differentiators like technology, processes, or company culture through video. Video helps simplify the message and make that message memorable.

How suppliers can use video to drive sales

Drive sales

Show consumers how your products will benefit them by demonstrating use cases, giving expert advice, explaining how-to’s or giving product reviews. Identify stages in the consumer journey and then promote action with video. Video is easy for consumers to digest and engages more senses, making it more memorable.

How suppliers use video to connect with consumers

Connect with

The goal of both internal and external communication is to convey a message and prompt your audience to act. Internally, video can educate and direct your sales force on how to position your product in the marketplace. While externally, video can inform and engage your audience through tactics such as press releases and content marketing. Using digital assets, like video, drive higher engagement rates and help create a positive relationship between you and your consumers.

Supplier video examples

We partner with manufacturers on video types such as Demonstration/Explainer, Use Cases, Testimonials, Expert Advice, Business Profiles, How-to’s, Training, Public Relations, Advertising and Content Marketing. Below are a few examples.

Social/live event example

Including video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%(HubSpot)

Product video example

64% of users are more likely
 to buy a product online after watching a video (Forbes)

Explainer video example

96% of B2B organizations use video
in some capacity in their marketing campaigns of which 73% report positive results to their ROI (WVMC)


Overcoming business challenges with video

Maybe online marketplaces are beating you on price or your delivery speed cost is eating away at your profit margins.

Whatever your business challengehigh quality video may be the perfect solution. Did you know that 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video?

Increase sales, stay connected with consumers and enhance your brand image with videos that communicate the value of what you provide. Sell more products using demonstration video. Stay connected with consumers using expert advice, how-to, or use case video. Enhance your brand image using video that communicates your core values. And so much more….

For over 30 years, we’ve delivered long-lasting, positive ROI for suppliers. We’re an award-winning video production company with highly experienced, nimble teams that are passionate about finding solutions to fit your needs. Let us know how we can help.