Production Craft

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Ways to use video as a marketing tool for special events, tradeshows and conferences

Use your next event as an opportunity to create video for a multitude of marketing initiatives you can use later.

Companies spend a lot of money on trade shows and conferences – branding booths and events, driving customer foot traffic, training and sending staff – so why not use this opportunity to create video that can be used as a marketing tool for later?


Drive traffic to your booth/meeting room/presentation and increase SEO efforts using the show’s name in your video

PRE-SHOW PROMO VIDEOS (upload before the show)

Pre-show videos should entice your audience into your exhibitor booth, meeting room or presentation. Acting as a personal invitation, these videos show first-hand what the show is like, where to find you, and what you’re promoting at your booth. Using the event’s name within your video titles increases your visibility and will help with SEO efforts, and always include the show name, booth number and company name to make sure viewers can find you.


Practical ways to couple enticing video with a call-to-action to drive more traffic:

– Email video links to pre-registered attendees and your current client list to drive traffic to your booth

– Embed video on your website, social media or YouTube channels

– Index and tag video with keyword-rich content for SEO

– Use QR codes in the event manual that link to your video


Give attendees more incentive to visit you

AT-SHOW PROMO VIDEOS (upload during the show)

There’s nothing quite like a tradeshow or conference to drive excitement – industry leaders, pioneers, customers, clients, and partners all: talking about the latest trends, sharing valuable content, and unveiling new products or features in service.


Practical ways to capture the energy and excitement from a show and share it:

– Position yourself as the industry leader by being the first to post a video with the latest news from the show via Twitter (using the show’s hashtag), Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+

– Email video links to attendees and your contact list showing clips of what they are missing out on if they don’t come to your booth – whether you have a contest, freebie, drawing or any other promotion

– Embed video on your website or YouTube channels the same day and share those links via social media

– Index and tag video with keyword-rich content for SEO


Use share-worthy content from the show to educate your audience

POST-SHOW VIDEOS (upload after the show)

Showcase the products/services, news, and excitement that was at the show or your booth.

Practical ways to leverage content produced at a show:

– Set up a studio at your space for testimonials.  Interview clients or potential clients about who they are, what they think about the industry and where it’s heading and what they like/don’t like about your product. Using client testimonials on your site later is a powerful tool you can use in both in and outbound marketing.

– Embed video on your website or YouTube channels and share those links via social media, thanking everyone for a great show

– Index and tag video with keyword-rich content for SEO


Make it fun and original. Any video you use should represent who your company is or the personality of the brand.

Hopefully we’ve sparked some ideas, now all you need is an experienced camera crew. Click here to book or find out the top qualities to look for when hiring a camera crew.