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Top five [5] reasons to use educational video

How to Teach: Employees, Patients, Consumers, Business Owners, Teachers, Students and More Than Can Fit into This Headline
You can now teach or train almost anywhere, anytime, thanks to the internet. Using educational videos; a manager can present the latest H.R. policy to numerous departments in numerous offices all at one time, a doctor can ease anxiety of potential patients by speaking about a procedure from a hospital department’s web page, or a manufacturer could teach consumers how to use their product.

Video is a great way to teach, train and learn. Here are the top five reasons why:

#1 Educational videos use sight, sound and motion to quickly distill a lot of information and context
Video allows the viewer to be a part of what is going on – answering the who, what, when, where and why easily.  And because it uses more senses that reading alone, it is easier to retain the content.  As Harvard Medical School points out, “the more senses you use in learning something, the more of your brain will be involved in retaining the memory.”(1)

#2 Educational videos are convenient and easy to consume
With the rise of digital, video can be consumed anywhere. We no longer have to sit in front of a TV with a DVD, or wheel the TV stand into the break room to watch a video. We can simply send out a link to the video and even add an online questionnaire afterwards to make sure the message was received. Viewers can watch videos on the train on their way to/from work, or sitting in their favorite chair at the end of the day, or at their desk – most importantly, at a time that is convenient for them.

#3 Educational videos are consistent and scalable
The beauty of video is that you can shoot and edit as many times as you’d like in order to get it just the way you want it. Instead of making H.R. or your topic expert present over and over again, video allows you to show a presentation or concept as many times as you’d like in multiple locations, anytime, anywhere.

#4 Educational videos show what to do, as well as what not to do
Because video content can be digested easily and quickly, you can show not only the right way to do things and the benefits of doing it that way, but also show what not to do and the consequences that can come from it.

#5 Educational videos address multiple learning styles
Everyone has different ways they like to learn or process information. Some people are more visual learners, while others may be more aural (auditory-musical-rhythmic).(2)  Using a well-crafted video with visual cues, an interesting presenter and a bit of music, along with a handout or interactive discussion can easily bridge the gaps between all learning styles.

Want to find out your learning style? Take this five-minute survey (we are not affiliated with this group in any way, we just thought it was interesting. )


We’ve seen a little of everything, from teaching franchises how to use a manufacturer’s product properly to training an entire country on economics and more. If you need to share information in a scalable way, video is the solution. Check out some examples we did for the National Safety Council.


1. Harvard Health Publications. 7 Ways to Keep Your Memory Sharp at Any Age

2. Harvey Silver, Richard Strong and Matthew Perini. Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences

(ASCD: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)