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How To Produce Client Testimonial Videos

Testimonials build trust and authenticity, making people more willing to buy your product or service. They are the leading type of video marketing content, with 39% of marketers using them in 2024.  

What Is a Testimonial?

A testimonial is a truthful endorsement whereby someone testifies to the quality of a company, product, or service.

What Qualities Make for an Effective Testimonial?


The person delivering the testimonial has direct experience with you or your product.


The person delivering the testimonial provides the how and the why of their endorsement.


The testimonial illustrates how you differ from your competition.

Why Use Video for Testimonials?

Video Has the Highest Engagement Rate

Video has the highest of any content engagement, generating 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. The key to capturing this audience lies in video’s ability to evoke emotion. 

Video Has a Higher Retention Rate

Website visitors spend 1.4x more time on pages containing video than on those without. It’s a simple truth: humans process visual data better. The human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, and 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual. 

Video Has Strong ROI

Video content drives consumer decisions, as 84% of viewers have decided to buy a product or service after watching a brand’s video. In a survey conducted by Renderforest, 83% of respondents generated new leads through video marketing and 44% saw an increase in sales. 

Video Is Preferred by Consumers

Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from search engine results pages (SERPs). And 66% of consumers prefer to learn about new products and services through video.

Social Proof Converts

When a potential customer sees a peer endorse a company, they are likely to trust it more. In fact, 93% of consumers say online reviews inform their purchasing decisions.

Now let’s talk about how to produce a client testimonial:

Steps to Producing a Client Testimonial

Select a Client

The most opportune time to obtain a client testimonial is in the weeks following the completion of a project. Recent clients are more inclined to recall the details of their positive experience. 

Obtain Permission

Once you receive verbal consent to produce a testimonial, present your client with release forms to solidify your agreement.

Here is an example video release form for this purpose.

Check with your internal counsel for a release form that is specific to your company. Ensure that the terms outlined in your form are broad enough that you may utilize the testimonial footage for any number of uses later on.

Discuss Client Benefits 

While testimonials are a great way to promote your business, consider ways that your client may benefit as well. For instance, your client may share the video on social media to create engagement and promote their brand. When publishing the testimonial video online, offer to add a backlink to their website.

Ultimately, the testimonial should provide mutual value rather than being a one-sided favor.  

Select the Right Subject

An effective testimonial features a subject whom viewers feel they can trust. For best results, pick someone charismatic who is comfortable on camera.

To increase the longevity of your video, select a person higher up in the company who is likely to remain there for the foreseeable future.  

Pick a Convenient Location 

Typically, the most convenient location to conduct your client’s interview is at their place of work. Arrange to visit the selected location so you may survey your setup options and perhaps capture some b-roll to complement your storyline.

Trade shows and conventions can be great locations to shoot numerous interviews in one place. This helps lower production costs. 

Develop a Clear and Concise Plan 

Schedule a date and time for filming that is convenient for your client. Provide a realistic estimate for how long it will take, being sure to account for retakes. On-camera nerves can affect anyone, so make sure you allow plenty of time.  

Prepare Your Subject 

To give your client’s testimonial an authentic feel, avoid giving your interviewee the exact questions they will be asked ahead of time. Instead, provide a general outline of the topics you will be covering. Answers that are overly rehearsed sound scripted and less genuine than more spontaneous ones.  

Be Ready to Go When Your Client Is

Production should be as smooth as possible. After all, your client is going out of their way to help you. 

A successful production consists of numerous elements. A quality camera setup requires technical expertise. Effective organization means time allotted to apply makeup and help your client feel relaxed prior to the interview. And everything needs to be in line by the time your client arrives. 

Using video production professionals will ensure you not only a great end product, but an efficient means of getting there.

Elements Of a Testimonial

Q & A

  Discuss a specific project. Ask your client questions such as: 

  • What problem were you having before you had our product or service? What were the pain points our company helped you with? (Call your company by name when asking questions. For example, “How did Production Craft help you with X, Y, Z?”)

  • As you were seeking a solution, what distinguished our company from the competition?

  • What was it like working with our company?

  • What has been the impact of our product or service?

  • How do you think others could benefit from our product or service?


B-roll refers to supplementary footage that is intercut with the main footage in a video production. It typically consists of secondary shots that provide context, enhance storytelling, or add visual interest to the main content. 


Animation and graphics can illustrate complex ideas that may be difficult to portray with b-roll footage alone. Like b-roll, they also create visual appeal by breaking up the interview footage while providing additional context.

When done effectively, animation can set you apart from competitors and convey your unique value.

Unveiling Your Video Testimonial

Always have your client approve the final video before publication. 

Consider the variety of ways you can distribute your video. Showcase it on your YouTube channel or website. Slice and dice it into smaller pieces for snackable social content. Pitch to the press with bite-size teasers.

Video testimonials show your company’s ability to benefit others just like your clients. They should be authentic, evocative, and show the positive impact you made on your clients’ lives. 

A solid testimonial will help you build trust, drive more traffic to your site, increase social shares, and ultimately convert more customers.

Production Craft, Inc. is a video production company based in Chicago, serving markets worldwide.

We are proud to be a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) certified by the State of Illinois Business Enterprise Program (BEP) and the National Women Business Owners Corporation (NWBOC).