Posts in Video Marketing
Case Study: CloudMasonry Client Testimonial

Client testimonials are a highly impactful marketing tool that utilize social proof to boost your brand’s credibility. In one of our latest projects, we collaborated with CloudMasonry and their client Articulate to highlight CloudMasonry’s Salesforce consulting services. Here are some of the key features of our process that helped drive a successful production and powerful final product.

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How Financial Services Companies Develop a Video Content Strategy, Part 1: Promote Your Biggest Asset—Your People

Competition for financial services clients is fierce. Technology and the rise of smaller firms has disrupted the industry where brand loyalty once reigned. So how do you counter? Promote your biggest asset—your people.

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How Manufacturers Can Use Video, Part 3: Using Video for Internal Communications

Here are some suggestions on how you can use video for more effective internal communications: 1. Employee Onboarding, 2. Training, 3. Product/Company Updates,and 4. Sharing Knowledge/Staff Spotlight

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How Manufacturers Can Use Video, Part 1: Enhancing Your Company's Image

Your company’s image is more than just your logo, it’s your reputation. It’s what the public envisions when your company is mentioned. So, maintaining a face that fits with and furthers the name and mission of your company should be at the top of any marketers’ list.

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National Safety Council: First aid training video wins four awards

Production Craft was recently awarded two Communicator Awards for our First Aid training video produced for the National Safety Council. We received an Award of Distinction for Videography/Cinematography and an Award of Distinction in Film/Video Safety.

Given by the International Academy of the Visual Arts, the Communicator Awards honor creative excellence and big ideas in marketing and communications. The Academy receives thousands of entries from across the U.S. and around the world, and we are so proud to be recognized.

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Healthcare marketing: Physician video profiles are a necessity

Physician Video Profiles are relieving doctor search "symptoms". For many patients finding the right doctor can be overwhelming, time-consuming and scary. Physicians are using Physician Video Profiles as the first step in establishing good, long-term relationships with patients. The 60-90 second video profile demonstrates the physician's personality, special skills, motivations and values. The profiles offer a more personal side of medicine and relieve patient anxiety over finding and selecting a new physician.

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How to increase video viewership and engagement

We outlined a few key takeaways about increasing online video viewership:
– put the most important parts of your message at the beginning of your video content
– try to intertwine personal experiences with your main message
– shorter online videos (2 minutes or less) show the best engagement between 0-60 seconds
– longer online videos (2 minutes or more) have pretty consistent engagement percentages, in the 2 to 10 minute range

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